We flag errors, overbilling, denials and negotiate for you.§
Reviews past claims
When you sign up, we’ll review all of your medical claims from the past 2 years to make sure you’re only paying what you owe.
Monitors medical, dental and vision
HealthLock connects to your insurance and automatically monitors your family’s claims and alerts you if you’re overcharged.
Watches for overbilling and fraud
Over 50% of claims contain errors. Some errors are accidents, others are fraud. HealthLock safeguards you and your family against errors and fraud.
Works with Medicare
HealthLock also works with Medicare.
20% Shared Savings fee
Includes a 20% Shared Savings fee on lowered charges, out-of-pocket costs, reimbursements, and refunds.
Example: You request our help with a claim or bill, HealthLock successfully appeals the claim, you receive a reimbursement check of $300 from your insurance, and HealthLock charges you a $60 Shared Savings fee.
Start Membership$29.99/month
No extra fees
Any money we save or get reimbursed for you goes straight back into your pocket.
Start Membership"HealthLock negotiated on my behalf. And the insurance paid the whole thing."
"Healthlock's expertise not only saved us a substantial amount of money but also spared us from the daunting task of navigating the convoluted world of medical billing during our most trying times."
"HealthLock manages my medical claims, negotiates with my insurance carriers and providers, and has saved me nearly $100,000 in medical costs."
"I love that HealthLock organizes all of my claims in one place and that they review each one."
Sync your insurance. We securely organize your claims, providers and more in an easy-to-use dashboard.
We automatically review your and your family’s claims for errors, and monitor your providers for breaches and privacy intrusions.
Anytime we detect potential overbilling, fraud or suspicious activity, we flag it and notify you immediately.
Optionally, you can request we negotiate overcharges to get your money back.§
We always have your back. We’ll investigate and help fix medical fraud issues.